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San Diego, California CD Rates – 5-Year

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Below are 5-year CD Rates from banks that are located in San Diego, { California}. Five Year Certificates of Deposit (CD) are generally the longest term CD that most banks will offer. They tend to offer the highest rates but require the longest commitment. Five year CDs are especially popular in a declining interest rate environment as depositors can lock money in at the highest rate possible for the longest period of time. They are also popular with depositors who are willing to lock up money for five years in return for extra yield.

San Diego, CA - March 12, 2025

5 Year CD National Average : 0.92% ?


Rate History: 3.95% → 3.85% → 3.80%

Rate History: 3.45% → 3.65% → 3.35%

| Dec 3, 2019

Have done business with "Hope's" San Diego branch for a few years. Always courteous and helpful. Looking forward to doing business with them in the future. Read More

Rate History: 3.05% → 2.53%

Rate History: 2.27% → 3.95% → 2.27%

| Feb 25, 2022

I joined Citi with a Costco-VISA card. An Accelerate followed, and then a checking account. Costco-VISA is necessary for using a credit card at Costco, otherwise cash is necessary. Accelerate Savings w... Read More

Rate History: 2.00% → 2.50% → 2.00%

| Jan 2, 2023

Terrible customer service by investment side. Fees too high , too full of themselves Read More

Rate History: 1.51% → 1.31%




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| Dec 6, 2018

I have to say, as a local business owner, I purposefully chose to work with a 'local business bank'. I moved my checking over when I incorporated and assumed that I would go to them when my needs increased... Read More

| Dec 6, 2018

I have to say, as a local business owner, I purposefully chose to work with a 'local business bank'. I moved my checking over when I incorporated and assumed that I would go to them when my needs increased... Read More

| Mar 25, 2015


| Jul 22, 2015

Fix your automated system so I can find information after you close Read More




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| Jun 12, 2023

US Bank reported me to dult Protective Services because my husband is 85 and I am63. He got sick and went into a nursing hime for 3 months. My husband always handled the financial affairs. I had to take ov... Read More

| Mar 15, 2023

Oh Natty natty natty, haha the fact you need to take out (probably a second) loan for $160,000 on a $625,000 sends up all kinds of red flags. The bank was right to run away from YOU dear hahaha. Read More

| Oct 18, 2016

IF the Cd's our that high then way i'm i the last to find out what The apys are. Read More

| Aug 25, 2021

I have banked with Umpqua in Gig Harbor since 2013 and although there money market rates are not good didn’t have much problem until I moved to Spokane and started using this branch on south hill. They ... Read More

| Feb 25, 2023

I have been working for this company more than 5 years. I would not recommend any investment with First Citizens Bank. They are the worst performer on the market based on the customer and employee reviews... Read More

| Jul 24, 2023

BOFA is a den of people thieves camouflaged as bank operatives. There’s a soon to be uncovered carrel of money laundry there. They took all my money and don’t want to release it to me for no particular... Read More

All rates listed are Annual Percentage Yield (APY). The Min listed is the minimum deposit account balance required to obtain the rate listed.

BestCashCow strives to maintain the most accurate rates. If you believe a rate is not accurate, please let us know.


Five Year CDs - Branch Banks 2025

Five-year CDs are the big kahuna of the CD world. While banks may offer six-year, seven-year, or even 10-year CDs, the five-year is the longest of the most commonly offered terms. The 5-year CD is therefore often the highest offer at your local bank. Therefore, the temptation for those looking for yield is to open one, deposit money, and forget about it for five years. This could be a mistake. In rising rate environments a five-year CD may not be a good investment.


Like every other CD term, five year CDs from FDIC insured banks are protected up to FDIC limits (generally $250,000 per account holder per bank). If your deposit is over the FDIC limit then you may not receive the uninsured money in case of a bank failure.


The principle threat to a a five year CD is inflation. If the CD is opened in a low rate environment, and rates and inflation subsequently rise, then inflation will erode the value of the certificate of deposit over its five years. For example, if a depositor opened a five year CD in year 1 with a yield of 2.05% APY and inflation at 1.5%, then the real return is .55 percentage points. But if inflation rises the next year to 2.5% and stays there for the next four years, then the CD in real terms is losing money every year: 2.05% - 2.5% = -.45%.

While it is impossible for anyone to predict too far into the future, savers should be cognizant of the economic environment before locking up money for a five year time-period. Our rate analysis page provides some insight into where we think rates will go.

On the other hand, if rates are falling and will continue to do so for some time due to an economic recession then it makes sense to lock in a higher rate with a five year CD. Savers who opened five year CDs in 2008 immediately after the financial crisis were able to lock in rates in the 6% range, a great move considering two years later a five year CD paid below 3%.


Five-year CDs currently pay about 1.00% more in interest than a one year CD. In general, CDs of this duration are best opened as part of a laddered CD portfolio or if the depositor thinks that rates will either stagnate or drop over the next couple of years.

Opening a Five Year CD

Opening a five year CD in a branch is relatively easy and similar to every other CD term. Most banks require the customer be a resident of the United States and most branch-based banks ask that the account be opened in the bank. Funding can be performed by transferring money that is already located at that bank or by check or ACH transfer from another bank. The CD can be opened that day and the rate locked.

With longer term CDs, savers should make sure they put a record of the CD in a safe place and that if they move, they forward their new address to the bank. In cases where the bank cannot find the CD holder, the bank may hand the funds over to a state authority as a lost deposit, and it will require onerous paperwork to reclaim the money.


Advantages of five year CDs

  • 5 year CDs provide the highest rate of the common CD terms.
  • The return is fixed for five years, which is an advantage in a flat or falling rate environment.

Disadvantages of five year CDs

  • The money is locked away for five years and cannot be withdrawn without a substantial penalty.
  • In a rising rate environment, inflation will reduce the value of the money in the CD over time.
  • Branch CDs require the saver to visit a branch and be subjected to cross-sell pitches and other marketing tactics.

All banks listed on BestCashCow are FDIC insured; strongly recommends that you stay within FDIC insurance limits and that if you are unsure of how the limits affect you, please visit the FDIC website.

To understand all of the income generating options available to a saver, please view the Income Generating Investments Comparison Chart.


Find out how much extra money you can earn by moving your bank money into an account that pays more.

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